Blue chalcedony maintenance and cleaning methods:

(1) Sea salt burial

Cleaning method: The crystal field of the spar can be purified by simply burying the spar directly in the sea salt (or coarse salt) heap for several hours.

(2) Snow pile burial method

Cleaning method: It is only necessary to bury the spar directly in the frost and snow for several hours to eliminate the magnetic field around the spar.

Note: However, if your spar is large in volume, it is not suitable to use this kind of cleaning method. The main reason is that if the spar is buried in the snow pile for a period of time and then taken out, it will shrink due to the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the snow. Thermal expansion may cause the spar to burst.


(3) Clean water purification method

Cleaning method: The spar can be rinsed under the tap for about twenty minutes to balance the negative energy of the spar.

Note: However, it is not appropriate to use such cleaning methods if it is a spar such as pyrite or azurite. The reason is that these ore types contain iron and copper and cannot be washed by water.

(4) Natural cleaning

Cleaning method: As long as the crystal is placed in the country, let the quiet and harmonious nature sound the sound of the spar, this cleaning method can increase the energy of the spar.

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