Metal <<Silver>>

Metal <<Silver>>

Silver, forever shining with the radiance of the moon, the original meaning of silver paper, that is, the meaning of "bright". China also uses silver characters to describe white and shiny things, such as the Milky Way, Ginkgo, Silverfish, Tremella, and Screen.
In ancient China, silver was often juxtaposed with gold and copper, which was called "three gold products." The book "Yu Gong" records "only gold three products". It can be seen that China discovered silver as early as the twentieth century BC, more than 4,000 years ago. In nature, silver often exists in the form of sterling silver, and people have found a piece of sterling silver weighing 13.5 tons! In addition, it is also present in the form of chlorides and sulfides, often associated with ores such as lead, copper, antimony, and arsenic.
In ancient times, humans had an understanding of silver. Like gold, silver is a precious metal with a long history of application. It has a history of more than 4,000 years. Because of the unique characteristics of silver, people have given it the dual value of money and decoration. The pound and the silver dollar used before the liberation of China are silver and copper alloys dominated by silver.
Silver-white, soft and bright, it is a favorite ornament of ethnic minorities, Buddhism and Islam. Silver jewelry is also the gift of choice for newborn babies from all ethnic groups across the country. Recently, under the influence of retro thoughts, European and American people wore silver-plated, light-blue turquoise jewelry that is easy to oxidize and blacken, giving people an infinitely beautiful view of ancient civilizations. In China, sterling silver jewelry has gradually become the favorite choice of modern fashion women. Silver is one of the metals that have been known since ancient times. Silver is more lively than gold. Although its abundance in the earth's crust is about 15 times that of gold, it rarely exists in elemental state, so its discovery is later than gold. In ancient times, people knew about mining silver mines. Because of the small amount of silver that people obtained at the time, its value was more expensive than gold. Between 1780 and 1580 BC, the Egyptian dynasty's code stipulated that the value of silver was twice that of gold. Even in the 17th century, the value of gold and silver in Japan was equal. Silver was first used as an ornament and tableware, and later as a currency.
Sterling silver is a beautiful white metal. The silver chemical symbol Ag, from its Latin name Argentum, means "light, bright." Its English name is Silver. Silver has a high ductility and can be rolled into a transparent foil of only 0.00003 cm thick, and a 1 g weight of silver can be drawn into a filament of about 2 km.
[China Antibacterial Fabric Network ]
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