With the rapid evolution of computer information technology and the continuous deepening of the Internet, e-commerce based on the fictitious economy is gradually developing into an intermediate force in China's emerging industries. In the era of information economy, the impact of e-commerce on economic development shows a clear "multiplier effect" and has a certain impact on our offline physical stores. In the next few years, e-commerce will continue to rise and develop continuously , So the integration of online and offline has become the inevitable trend of many companies!

容悦 - Loyer.Mod

Loyer.Mod Yung Yue Women in the beginning of the establishment of the network channels have been more complete planning, at present Alibaba, Lynx, Jingdong, Jumei excellent products and other major platforms already have better network resources and operational capabilities. Yung Yue second half of 2013 through a new integrated distribution platform http:// formally launched on the new content distribution platform Wyatt We will integrate the advantages of online and offline stores under the store, the establishment of online and offline under the three-dimensional interactive marketing model, the use of our ERP systems and content distribution platform Wyatt assist our customers and distribution customers low-cost entity to carry out online sales, will take the lead in the next O2O marketing online and offline synchronization in the industry.

Loyer.Mod容悦隆重推出“线上线下同步开店”  开启全新O2O模式

Loyer.Mod 2014 Loyer.Mod Rong Yue Women's grand launch of "online and offline synchronization shop" program, has launched online and offline synchronization shop plan, all LoyerMod distributors, stores can join our LoyerMod tolerance Yue O2O program. And all the online sales to the franchisee, open new O2O mode, to join Loyer Mod Yung Yue women's store, send online shop, double store. Yung Yue will be determined to help our partners to build a three-dimensional marketing network, online channels as a supplement to the offline channels to cover more physical stores have not yet settled in the national cities to attract loyal brand users. Let every woman who tolerate Yue's women are able to have greater profits and wealth.

Loyer.Mod容悦隆重推出“线上线下同步开店”  开启全新O2O模式

Loyer.Mod容悦隆重推出“线上线下同步开店”  开启全新O2O模式

Yung-yue women's online and offline online shop plan, for consumers is a huge benefit, so no matter when and where you can easily buy Yung Yue women's products, so you always do Beautiful new female! New wealth business opportunities, look forward to your joining!

For more information, see Loyer.Mod women's official website of Yue Yue, brand website shopping website: Or add Yue Yue public micro-signal, add Yue Yue public WeChat scan the following two-dimensional code, welcome to join!

Loyer.Mod容悦隆重推出“线上线下同步开店”  开启全新O2O模式

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