There are many materials in the Ming and Qing jade bracelets, and jadeite is used in large quantities. Agate, tourmaline and amber are also used. Today, I will learn how to wear a jade bracelet.

When wearing a bracelet, the number of bracelets is not strictly limited. You can wear one, you can wear two, three, or even more.

If you wear only one, you should wear it on your left hand instead of your right hand. If you wear two, you can wear one on each of your left and right hands, or on your left hand. If you wear three, you should wear it on your left hand. You can't wear one in one hand and two in the other.

Wearing more than three bracelets is rare. Even if you wear them, you should wear them on your left hand to create a strong sense of imbalance and achieve unconventional and extraordinary goals. However, it should be pointed out here that this imbalance should be achieved by matching with the clothing worn, otherwise the beauty of the bracelet will be destroyed by the unconventionality.

Jade bracelets were worn in pairs in ancient China, and nowadays they are mostly worn alone.

If you wear a bracelet and wear a ring, you should consider the coordination and unification of the two in terms of style, material, color and so on.

For those who wear bracelets at the beginning, you should also pay attention to the size of the inner diameter of the bracelet. If it is too small, it will cause discomfort due to close contact with the skin of the wrist, and even affect the circulation of blood. If it is too large, it will easily fall off during the swing of the hand and break. For jade bracelets, it is advisable to put soft objects (such as cushions) under the wrists when trying on them, so as not to break if they fall to the ground.

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